By ordering the CHD Elektroservis product(s), you declare that you agree to these terms and conditions:
You agree to use the CHD Elektroservis product(s) at your own risk. CHD Elektroservis will not be liable for any eventual damage of your instrument caused by the product assembly not conforming to the method described in the installation manual or by the product use contrary to the instructions in the operating manual.
You agree with general warranty conditions.
The price of delivery does not include local duties and taxes in the destination country. All these duties and taxes, if applicable, must be paid by the buyer.
All financial transaction are processed in Euro (EUR) which appears under Shopping Cart. For other currencies, the order price is calculated on the current exchange rate issued by the Czech National Bank. The rates of other currencies indicated by an on-line currency converters are only informative.
You are not allowed to use any part of the CHD Elektroservis product documents and software for commercial purpose without the written permission of the CHD Elektroservis company owners.
All trademarks and trade names used throughout this website are acknowledged as the property of their respective owners.
CHD Elektroservis reserves all related intellectual property rights.
This website and these terms & conditions are governed by the laws of Czech Republic and any dispute about its use and/or orders placed with CHD Elektroservis will be determined only by the courts of Czech Republic.